My 4-Month Weight Loss Challenge Begins - Dianne's Challenge Week 1

Trainer making arm measurements on client

Adam Riemer |

Starting Week 1 of My Challenge

To start the first week of this weight loss journey, Holly and I went through the assessment process, which included a lifestyle and health questionnaire, as well as a physical assessment. I talked to her about why I'm ready to take this step forward in prioritizing my health and fitness, as well as my activity level. Discussing what my diet looks like on a daily basis was a real eye-opening experience.  There's something about speaking the words out loud to really hear what you're saying... it brings reality into clear view.

Looking good on my wedding day is a huge motivational factor that kick started this journey I’m undertaking. But the news of my dad’s triple bypass surgery received on the night of my engagement, as well as my mom’s struggles with diabetes and now her own battle with heart disease are the ‘bigger picture’ motivators for me to take this seriously. 

My wedding day is only the beginning of the next chapter in my future with my fiancé, Dave. We plan to have a family someday, and seeing how heart disease is a real problem for my family, I know that I can’t run or hide from my own genetics. It’s time to for me get involved in my own health, and to do my part to help prevent heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses however I can. personal trainer helping client do a plank

The Fitness Assessment

The physical assessment was a little scary (watch the video if you want to try testing yourself!)

I was exhausted and out of breath from holding a plank, doing some squats (without weights!), and a 1-mile run (well, more like a slow jog). I am pretty proud of my push-ups though... Holly said I have good form, so that's a good start.  I am looking forward to the day where I can run a solid mile and do a real push-up - at least 20 of them!

Holly expressed the importance diet plays in undertaking any weight loss challenge.  I understood this point on some level, but 80% food and 20% exercise... wow!  Tracking my food is going to be essential in my success these next few months. 

The numbers don't lie.  After receiving my numbers (weight, waist, arms, hips, thighs, and my body fat) I was mortified!  How/why did I let myself get this far? I know I have to work hard to get where I want to be, and I'm determined to get there. I want to feel better all around and be comfortable in my own skin.

Holly gave me homework this week, which will also be expected of me for the months to come. Before we meet for our first session, she wants me to get in one 30-minute cardio session, which I feel quite confident I can do. It's the first step toward that first pound, and I'm ready to get going!

Woman's Before Weight Loss Photos


Starting Stats:

Weight: 164 lb.

Height: 5’1”

BodyFat: 32%


Chest: 37.5

Waist: 35.5

Hips: 44

Arm: 12.5

Thigh: 25.5


Are you starting a weight loss challenge? Learn how to do your own fitness assessment on Episode 1!

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