7 Core Sliders Exercises for an Amazing Ab Workout

man using prosourcefit core sliders in pike pose

Holly Pinkham |

How do you get a flat stomach?


By working out your entire core. The abdominals may get most of the credit, but it’s all of those other deep core muscles that improve posture and tighten the midsection for an overall lean appearance.

Additionally, exercises that integrate multiple muscles with the abdomen, like deltoids and gluteus maximus, were found in one study to increase the muscle activation of the rectus abdominus (aka “abs”) and the lumbar muscles (lower back). Meaning, you will get a more effective workout for your six-pack muscles as well as your entire core (bye-bye back pain!) by doing exercises that require hovering and balancing (see exercises below) as opposed to things like isolated crunches on the floor.

That’s where core sliders come in.

By adding them under feet or hands, you can perform a wide variety of “integration exercises” for better results. These small, round gliding discs are two-sided to work on a variety of surfaces. One side is slick, great for carpet or tile, while another has foam which is ideal for protecting wood floors.

Other benefits of gliding discs for core strength include:

  1. Multipurpose – they can be placed under hands or feet for a huge variety of exercises that require more balance and stability, which contributes to a stronger core. Many of these moves will also hit your shoulders and glutes for a more well-rounded, multi-tasking workout.
  2. Greater Challenge – adding discs to your exercises requires your body to work differently than without, which means more of a challenge as you adapt. And new challenges are necessary to keep your body changing and getting stronger.
  3. Travel Friendly – these make workouts possible to do anywhere, great for increasing the intensity of body weight workouts when you’re short on equipment, such as in a hotel room. They don’t take up much room and are super lightweight, so they’re also perfect for keeping in your gym bag to add to your normal routine.

7 Core Slider Disc Exercises

Below are 7 awesome ab exercises you can do with core sliders. Do all of them for an intense, “feel the burn” workout, or pick a few to add to your routine and switch them up every few weeks.

Knee Tucks

  1. Begin in a plank position on hands and toes with both feet on sliders. Engage your core and maintain a flat back and straight body line. Do not let hips drop or raise up in the air.
  2. Draw both feet in, bending your knees, until you’re as close to your chest as you can get. Make sure to focus on pulling with your core muscles.
  3. Then press both feet back to the start position.
  4. Repeat 12-15 times.

man doing knee tucks with prosourcefit core slidersMountain Climbers

  1. Begin in a plank position on hands and toes with both feet on sliders. Engage your core and maintain a flat back and straight body line. Do not let hips drop or raise up in the air.
  2. Pull one leg in toward your chest, then extend back to start position. Just before your leg is completely straight, begin bringing the opposite leg into your chest.
  3. Repeat, quickly switching legs and making sure to keep hips down, not letting them pop up into the air. Compete 15-20 reps.
man doing mountain climbers with prosourcefit core sliders

    Twisting Mountain Climber

    1. Begin in a plank position on hands and toes with both feet on sliders. Engage your core and maintain a flat back and straight body line. Do not let hips drop or raise up in the air.
    2. Pull right knee in and toward your left elbow, then extend back to start position. Then quickly switch sides, bringing your left knee into your right elbow.
    3. Repeat, quickly switching legs and making sure to keep hips down. Complete 15-20 reps.man doing twisting mountain climber with prosourcefit core sliders


    1. Begin in a plank with both feet on sliders. Engage your core and maintain a flat back and straight body line. Do not let hips drop or raise up in the air.

    2. Draw both feet in toward your hands at the same time with straight legs, so that hips are driving up toward the ceiling.

    3. Go as far as you can with straight legs, then slide feet back to the start position. Complete 10-15 reps.

    man doing pike with prosourcefit core sliders

    Spiderman Plank

    1. Begin in an elbow plank with both feet on sliders. Elbows should be directly below shoulders. Engage your core and maintain a flat back and straight body line. Do not let hips drop or raise up in the air.
    2. Bend one knee and draw it in toward the same elbow, then return to start. Repeat on the opposite side, and continue switching back and forth.
    3. Repeat 10-12 times on each side.

     man doing spiderman plank with prosourcefit core sliders

    Plank Jack

    1. Begin in an elbow plank with both feet on sliders. Elbows should be directly below shoulders. Engage your core and maintain a flat back and straight body line. Do not let hips drop or raise up in the air.
    2. Slide both legs out to the sides at the same time as far as you can with good form, as you would when performing a jumping jack. Return back to the start.
    3. Repeat 15-20 times.

     man doing plank jacks with prosourcefit core sliders

    Arm Slide Out

    1. Begin in a plank position with knees on the ground and both hands on sliders. Engage your core and make sure to maintain a flat back and straight body throughout the exercise.
    2. Slowly slide both arms forward at once and extend at the hips, until chest is almost to the ground, or as far as you can comfortably go while maintaining a flat back.
    3. Pull both arms back in toward chest and return to the start position. Repeat 10-15 times. If you feel any lower back pain, discontinue exercise.man doing arm slide outs with prosourcefit core sliders


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