30 Minute Stability Ball Ab Workout

woman using prosourcefit stability ball for core strengthening exercises on prosourcefit extra thick yoga and pilates mat

Adam Riemer |

30 Minute Stability Ball Ab Workout

Whether you call it balance ball, swiss ball or stability ball, it is one of the most versatile and least intimidating pieces of equipment in a gym.  A stability ball ab workout provides a range of benefits more effectively, from improving  balance to boosting strength, and form without spending all day at the gym. 

In the 30 minute workout below, you will focus on your core and cover each of your major stomach muscle groups, not only building strength and toning your tummy, but also your pelvis and back.  If you want more intensity, add dumbbells, ankle and wrist weights to supercharge the stability ball ab workout into a 30-minute calorie burning session. 


3 sets of 5 reps

stability ball for abs blog_pendulums with prosourcefit stability ball

  1. Start on your back with your legs straight in the air and the stability ball between your legs.
  2. Lay with your arms out in a T position.
  3. Slowly lower the stability ball to the right.  Keep your shoulder on the mat and barely lift your left hip off the ground.  You should hit the 2 o’clock position.
  4. Bring the stability ball back to the center.
  5. Slowly lower the stability ball to the left.  Keep your shoulder on the mat and barely lift you right hip off the ground.  You should hit the 11 o’clock position.
  6. Bring the stability ball back to center.



3 sets of 10 reps

stability ball for abs blog_jackknives with prosourcefit stability ball

  1. Get into a plank position with your shins on top of the stability ball and your hands flat on the ground.  Keep your body in a straight line.
  2. Bend your knees to roll the stability ball towards your hands till only your toes are resting on the stability ball.
  3. Slowly straighten your legs back behind you.


Russian twists 

3 sets of 10 reps

stability ball for abs blog_russian twists with prosourcefit stability ball

  1. Lie on the stability ball with your upper back.  Place your feet flat on the ground.  Your torso should be a straight line from your head to your knees.
  2. Extend your arms straight above your chest.
  3. Rotate your torso to roll onto your right shoulder as far as you can while raising your left shoulder.  Your hips should not move.
  4. Lower your left shoulder and roll back to the starting position.
  5. Rotate your torso to roll onto your left shoulder as far as you can while raising your right shoulder.  Your hips should not move.
  6. Lower your right shoulder and roll back to the starting position.

To increase the difficulty of this exercise, you can add in a medicine ball or dumbbells.


Stir the Pot                 

3 sets of 10 reps

stability ball for abs blog_stir the pot with prosourcefit stability ball

  1. Place your elbows and forearms on the ball and get into a plank position.
  2. Move your forearms in a small circular motion (about the size of a basketball).

To increase the difficulty of this exercise, increase the size of the circles you are making.


Heel Touches 

3 sets of 10 reps

stability ball for abs blog_heel touches with prosourcefit stability ball on prosourcefit yoga knee pad

  1. Sit on the floor with the stability ball between your feet.
  2. Lean back at a 45 degree angle.
  3. Bend your knees, and bring the stability ball as close to your chest as you can.
  4. Reach and touch your heels.
  5. Push your legs back out.


Dead Bugs 

3 sets of 10 reps

stability ball for abs blog_deadbugs with prosourcefit stability ball

  1. Lie flat on your back and hold the stability ball above your chest between your knees and your hands.
  2. Extend your right arm and left leg out keeping the ball balanced with your right leg and left arm.
  3. Place your right arm and left leg back to the starting position.
  4. Extend your left arm and right leg out.
  5. Return your left arm and right leg back to the starting position.


Inverted Frog Legs    

3 sets of 10 reps

stability ball for abs blog_inverted frog legs with prosourcefit stability ball

  1. Put your hands on the sides of the stability ball with your fingers pointed down.  Extend your arms and step back with your feet so that your legs and torso are straight.
  2. Pull up your right knee towards the outside of your left elbow.
  3. Return to the starting position in step 1.
  4. Pull up your left knee towards the outside of your right elbow.
  5. Return to the starting position in step 1.


It is easy to tone, shape, and strengthen abs by using a stability ball in just a little bit of time  Do this workout as a stand alone or add to any of your strength training days to improve your overall fitness. Can't get enough? Check out 8 medicine ball exercises for core strength!

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